TIOS - Transfer IO System

usage: tios [-t][-d][-f (data_file)][-i (ingrid_file)][-h]
        -t - prints (only) the table of contents for (data_file)
        -d - short dumps (only) of the (data_file)
        -D - full dump (only) of the (data_file)
        -f (data_file)   - Data file name
        -i (ingrid_file) - Ingrid's instuctions file name
        -p (plot_file)   - Base name for PS ouput
        -s make "anhtmlserver" command possible
        -o support an old-style (.ing) syntaxes
        -b (browser) name for WWW-browser to use
        -h               - print this help page

defaults: (data_file)   : (tios.data)
          (ingrid_file) : (.ing)
          (plot_file)   : (plot)

Questions:      senya@rainbow.lgdo.columbia.edu

UPDATE 1/16/2001:

The tios and tios2cdf linux executables can be obtained from Naomi.

The program, tios2cdf, converts tios output to netCDF output. 

tios2cdf: TIOS -> NetCDF conversion program

usage: tios2cdf [-thGp][-f ][-o ][-s|v name]

        -t - prints (only) the table of contents for 
        -f  - Input file
        -o   - Output file
        -s STREAM      - Dump this stream only
        -v VAR         - Dump this variable only
        -G             - Dump in GrADS-limited cdf format 
        -h             - prints this help page

defaults:    : 

