c /usr/our/senya/lib/show/README.1st ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c A simple interface for Postscript plotting. c c /usr/our/senya/lib/show/test.f is an example of how c to use the Ingrid-based c library supporting simple Postscript interface. c c two interfaces are suggested: c-------------------------------------------------- c 1. "PICT-" routines are written in black-box style: c c init_pict (plots_name), - init "PICT" package c pict_1d (NX, xx, NFUN, fun, title), - plot NFUN number of 1D c functions FUN(NX,NFUN) c pict_1df (NX, xx, NFUN, param, fun, title) - the same but uses param(*) c data for labeling c pict_1dt (NX, xx, NFUN, labl, fun, title) - the same but uses labl c as lables c pict_2du (NX, xsta, xend, NY, ysta, yend, data, title) - plot contours c of 2D data on uniform grid c pict_2da (NX, xx, NY, yy, data, title), - the same, but for c arbitrary grids c pict_2dt (NX, xx, NY, yy, NT, tt, data, title),- the same, but NT times c using tt as time grid c pict_col (NX, xx, NY, yy, data, title), - plot color shaded picture c of 2D data c pict_vec (NX, xx, NY, yy, datax, datay, title), - plot 2D vectors c pict_tvec (NX, xx, NY, yy, NT, tt, datax, datay, title), -"-,but NT times c using tt as a time grid c --------------------------------------------------------------------------- c c 2. "PLOT-" routines are accomplished by user defined Ingrid's c instructions file, providing more flexible and tunable output: c c init_plot (lun, ingrid_file, plots_name), - init "PLOT" package c plot_1d (NX, xx, NFUN, fun, section), c plot_1df (NX, xx, NFUN, param, fun, section) c plot_1dt (NX, xx, NFUN, labl, fun, section), c c plot_11d (NFUN, ndim, axes, data, section) c plot_11dt(NFUN, ndim, labl, axes, data, section), - "11d" & "11dt" c plot a set of 1d pictires from data defined on different grids, which c are defined as axes(1..ndim(1), 1..ndim(2), ..., 1..ndim(NFUN)), c the data array should has the same order as grids. c c plot_2du (NX, xsta, xend, NY, ysta, yend, data, section), c plot_2da (NX, xx, NY, yy, data, section), c plot_2dt (NX, xx, NY, yy, NT, tt, data, section), c plot_col (NX, xx, NY, yy, data, section), c plot_vec (NX, xx, NY, yy, datax, datay, section) c plot_tvec (NX, xx, NY, yy, NT, tt, datax, datay, section) c - see comments on "PICT" c c plot_next (data) - plot next chunk of data c according with latest c "plot-" command c plot_vnext (datax, datay) - the same for VECTOR data c plot_more (ntimes, data) - like plot_next, but c NTIMES more chunks c SOME limited MOVIE technic: c c * init_movie - initiate Movie Libriry c * plot_mov1d (NX, xx, NFUN, NT, tt, data, section) - make 1D movie c * plot_mov2d (NX, xx, NY, yy, NT, tt, data, section) - -"- 2D movie c * plot_sli1d (NX, xx, NFUN, NT, tt, section) - initiate the 1D movie c * plot_sli2d (NX, xx, NY, yy, NT, tt, section) - -"- 2D movie c * plot_slide (data) - make next movie slide using the chunk of data. c c GENERAL RULES:: c In order to use "PLOT-" package, one should create an ASCII "ingrid_file", c containing "sections" written in Ingrid format, for each "plot_" call. c (order is not important, also one section may be used for several calls with c identical "section") c c Use the "section" string as a name for Ingrid's "output stream" c (in case of vector field, use suffixes '_X' and '_Y', c e.g. for section = 'ABC' you should use 'ABC_X' & 'ABC_Y' as stream names) c c See /usr/our/senya/lib/show/.ing for more examples. c c the LIBRARIES TO BE ADDED are: c============================================================================== c -lsenq -lingrid -lnetcdf -lsun -leos -lgrfps c============================================================================== c c for Ingrid-VOGL-X11 movies one should "setenv VDEVICE X11", c and use libraries: c c -lsenq -lingrid -lnetcdf -lsun -leos -lgrfps -lvogl -lhersheyvogl -lX11 c============================================================================== c c ASSUMED DATA TYPES: c real xx(*), yy(*), tt(*), data(*), fun(*), param(*), datax(*), datay(*) c real xsta, xend, ysta, yend c integer NX, NY, NT, NFUN c character*(*) title, section, labl(*), plots_name, ingrid_file c c plots_name - is the base of output PS plots in curly brackets: c e.g. '(abc)' will produce PS files - labc.001 labc.002 ... c c c Senya Basin, (senya@rainbow.ldgo.columbia.edu); c---------------------------------------------------------------------------- c Release 1.01; October, 1991 c Release 1.08; August 19, 1992 ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc