UNITS mass Kg (kilogram) time s (second) distance m (meter) density Kg/m^3 temperature K (Kelvin) degree C = K - 273.15 salinity PSU (practical salinity units) PSU is about the same as PPT (parts per thousand) but is found by measuring conductivity energy J (joule) = Kg*m^2/s^2 force N (Newton)= Kg*m/s^2 power W (watt) = Kg*m^2/s^3 -------------------------- TIME INDEPENDENT VARIABLES: -------------------------- FOH 'f over H', coriolis/depth(i,j) (1/s) DELX meridional grid spacing(i,j) (m) DELY zonal grid spacing(i,j) (m) H_VALUES layer thicknesses (i,j,k) (m) TOTAL_DEPTH ocean depth(i,j) (m) RELAX coefficient(i,j) for surface restoring SPONGE coefficient(i,j) for sponge restoring uniformly with depth ANOMALY coefficient(i,j) for time dependent surface forcing anomalies KMAP multiplicative diffusion coefficient (dimensionless) ------------------------------- SURFACE INSTANTANEOUS VARIABLES: ------------------------------- WNSP surface windspeed (m/s) UWND surface zonal wind (m/s) VWND surface meridional wind (m/s) UWND_ustar zonal atmospheric eddy heat transport (m/s) VWND_vstar meridional atmospheric eddy heat transport (m/s) SSS sea surface salinity (PSU) SST ocean temperature at surface (degree C) SOLAR_qisw cloud (but not albedo) corrected incoming short wave radiation (W/m^2) SOLAR short wave (including albedo) flux (W/m^2) LATENT latent heat flux (W/m^2) SENSIBLE sensible heat flux (W/m^2) LONGWAVE longwave net radiation (W/m^2) DEFICIT flux due to surface restoring to given SST (if used) (W/m^2) CLDFR cloud fraction (used for longwave radiation only) (0-1) (e.g., CICE,HICE,THICE) CICE ice concentration (0-1) HICE ice thickness (m) THICE ice `heat content' (K*m) UICE zonal ice velocity (m/s) VICE meridional ice velocity (m/s) QIOS ice-ocean heat flux (W/m^2) BRNE fresh water flux melt/freeze (m/s) PPI total precipitation falling on ice and ocean (m/s) PP precip only over water (m/s) PSI barotropic stream function (m^3/s) U_BAR zonal barotropic current (m/s) V_BAR meridional barotropic current (m/s) TAUX zonal wind stress acting on ocean (N/m^2) TAUY meridional wind stress acting on ocean (N/m^2) KPP_hblt KPP boundary layer depth (m) IMLD instantaneous number of layers in mixed layer (m) PBLHUM aml humidity (kg/kg) PBLTEM aml potential temperature (K) AIRHUM humidity from data (kg/kg) AIRTEM potential temperature from data (K) TSNW 'snow' temperature (K) RH aml relative humidity (0-1) RLHI latent heat flux ice-atmos (W/m^2) SHI sensible heat flux ice-atmos (W/m^2) QLWI long wave net radiation ice-atmos (W/m^2) QSWI short wave (incl. albedo ice-atmos (W/m^2) ALBEDO surface albedo ([0-1]) HFLX surface heat flux (W/m^2) SFLX surface freshwater flux (m/s) CURLTAU wind stress curl (N/m^2) ---------------------------- TIME MEAN SURFACE VARIABLES: ---------------------------- PBLHUM_MEAN time mean of PBLHUM PBLTEM_MEAN time mean of PBLTEM CICE_MEAN time mean of CICE HICE_MEAN time mean of HICE THICE_MEAN time mean of THICE UICE_MEAN time mean of UICE VICE_MEAN time mean of VICE QIOS_MEAN time mean of QIOS HFLX_MEAN time mean of HFLX SFLX_MEAN time mean of SFLX LATENT_MEAN time mean of LATENT SENS_MEAN time mean of SENSIBLE LW_MEAN time mean of LONGWAVE DEF_MEAN time mean of DEFICIT PSI_MEAN time mean of PSI ----------------------- TIME MEAN Y-Z VARIABLES: ----------------------- MOSF meridional overturning stream function (m^3/s) ------------------------------- TIME MEAN MIXED LAYER VARIABLES: ------------------------------- MLD_MEAN time mean mixed layer depth (m) UC_MLD meridional transport in the mixed layer (m^2/s) VC_MLD zonal transport in the mixed layer (m^2/s) W_MLD vertical velocity at base of the mixed layer (m/s) HC_MLD heat content of the mixed layer (mK) DT_MLD vertical temperature difference at base of mixed later (K) e.g., T(k+1)-T(k), where the MLD is at the k+1/2 interface DS_MLD vertical gradient in salinity at base of mixed later (PSU) FTCA_MLD heat through the base of the ML due to vertical mixing (Km/s) FSCA_MLD salt through the base of ML due to vertical mixing (PSUm/s) SOLPEN_MLD solar penetration through the base of ML (Km/s) note: Ocean Heat Transport in the mixed layer is given by: OHT_MLD = UC_MLD*d(SST)/dx + VC_MLD*d(SST)/dy + W_MLD*DT_MLD + (FTCA_MLD + SOLPEN_MLD) (N.B., FTCA_MLD and SOLPEN_MLD should be SMALL) and the SST tendency can be approximated by d(HC_MLD)/dt = OHT_MLD + HFLX_MEAN/(Rho*Cp) and (unless you changed it in the control file) Rho*Cp =4.12e6 W*s/m^3/K Rho (density of sea water) = 1030 Kg/m^3 Cp (Heat capacity of sea water) = 4000 J/Kg/K ---------------------------- TIME MAXIMUM 2D VARIABLES: ---------------------------- MLD time interval maximum mixed layer depth (m) --------------------------------- 3D INSTANTANEOUS VARIABLES, at midlayer points: --------------------------------- TEMP temperature (degree C) DENS in-situ SIGMA density (kg/m^3) PDENS potential SIGMA density (kg/m^3) N.B., a sigma density is rho-1000, where rho is the density in (kg/m^3) SALT salinity (PSU) U_VEL zonal ocean velocity (m/s) V_VEL meridional ocean velocity (m/s) DIV ocean flow divergence in layer (m/s) i.e., d(H_VALUES*U_VEL)/dx + d(H_VALUES*V_VEL)/dy (e.g., AGE,IAGE) any instantaneous 3d passive tracer field EXTRA any instantaneous field on A-Grid, see code --------------------------------- 3D TIME MEAN VARIABLES, at midlayer points: --------------------------------- T_MEAN time mean of TEMP DENS_MEAN time mean of DENS U_MEAN time mean of U_VEL V_MEAN time mean of V_VEL S_MEAN time mean of SALT EXTRA_MEAN time mean of EXTRA _MEAN (e.g., AGE_MEAN) time mean of TEMP_HA horizontal heat flux divergence in (i,j,k) box (K*m/s) note, this is div(hTu), NOT the net heat flux, u*grad(hT) TEMP_VA vertical heat flux divergence in (i,j,k) box (K*m/s) d(Tw)/dz, NOT w*dT/dz TEMP_HD heat content tendency due to horizontal diffusion (K*m/s) TEMP_VD heat content tendency due to explicit vertical diffusion (K*m/s) TEMP_CA heat content tendency due to vertical mixing (conv. adj, Richardson number dependent mixing, Krauss-Turner, etc) (K*m/s) TEMP_SP heat content tendency due to sponge boundary conditions (K*m/s) TEMP_SOLPEN heat content tendency due to solar penetration (K*m/s) if k = 1 (surface) H_VALUE*d(TEMP)/dt = HFLX/rhoCp + TEMP_HA + TEMP_VA + TEMP_HD + TEMP_VD + TEMP_CA + TEMP_SP + TEMP_SOLPEN if k > 1 (subsurface) H_VALUE*d(TEMP)/dt = TEMP_HA + TEMP_VA + TEMP_HD + TEMP_VD + TEMP_CA + TEMP_SP + TEMP_SOLPEN SALT_HA/VA/HD/VD/CA/SP as above, but for salt (PSU*m/s) SALT_RI salt content tendency due to river runoff and other (PSU*m/s) boundary sources, e.g., Mediterranean outflow of deep salty water _HA/VA as above, but for each of the tracers (*m/s) _HD/VD _CA/SP ---------------------------------- BIOLOGICAL VARIABLES: ---------------------------------- BIOTR = NUT,PHY,ZOO,DET (nutrients, phytoplankton, zooplankton, detritus) FLXBIO = FNUTPHY,FPHYZOO,FPHYDET,FZOODET,FZOONUT,FDETNUT, SEDIMENT,REMINERAL (flux between tracers) any of the above BIOTR (mmoleN/m^3) _MEAN time mean of (mmoleN/m^3) any of the above FLXBIO (mmoleN/m^3/s) _HA/HD/VA/VD/CA/SP as for TEMP_*, but for FLXBIO (mmoleN/m^2/s) LN nutrient limitation term (dimensionless) LE light limitation term (dimensionless) LT temperature limitation term (dimensionless) PAR photosythetic available radiation (W/m^2) LN_MEAN time mean of LN LE_MEAN time mean of LE LT_MEAN time mean of LT PAR_MEAN time mean of PAR ZM mixed layer depth computed on density gradient criterium (m) ZE euphotic layer depth - 1% of incident light (m) ZM_MEAN time mean of ZM ZE_MEAN time mean of ZE ---------------------------------- 3D VARIABLES, at layer interfaces: ---------------------------------- W_VEL instantaneous vertical velocity (m/s) EXTRAW any instantaneous field on W-Grid, see code ---------------------------------- 3D TIME MEAN VARIABLES, at layer interfaces: ---------------------------------- W_MEAN time mean of W_VEL (m/s) KSLX_MEAN k*S_x (GM streamfunction y-component) (m^2/s) KSLY_MEAN k*S_y (negative GM streamfunction x-component) (m^2/s) HC_TOP heat content of upper k layers m*(degree C) SC_TOP salt content of upper k layers (m*PSU) UC_TOP zonal transport of upper k layers (m^2/s) VC_TOP merid transport of upper k layers (m^2/s) DH_TOP dynamic height of upper k layers (m) KPP_vvc KPP vertical viscosity (m^2/s) KPP_vdc KPP vertical diffusivity for temperature (m^2/s) KPP_vsc KPP vertical diffusivity for salinity (m^2/s) OHT_X time mean of the vertical integral of T*u (m^2/s)(degree C) OHT_Y time mean of the vertical integral of T*v (m^2/s)(degree C) ---------------------------------- 1D VARIABLES, in nrho density bins ---------------------------------- Volume fluxes across isopycnals due to surface fluxes (see Speer and Tzipermann, 1992, 'Rates of Water Mass Formation in the North Atlantic Ocean, JPO, Vol22, No.1, pp.93-104) TRH_N contribution from northern hemispheric surface cooling (m^3/s) TRH_S contribution from southern hemispheric surface cooling (m^3/s) TRE_N contribution from northern hemispheric surface evaporation (m^3/s) TRE_S contribution from southern hemispheric surface evaporation (m^3/s) TRA_N surface area of isopycnal layer outcrop, north of equator (m^2) TRA_S surface area of isopycnal layer outcrop, south of equator (m^2) TRV_N volume of water in isopycnal layer, north of equator (m^3) TRV_S volume of water in isopycnal layer, south of equator (m^3) ---------------------------------- 2D VARIABLES, in y(j) and nrho(n) density bins ---------------------------------- as above, but for arbitrary latitude, e.g., TRH_N(rho) = TRH_IN(y=0,rho) TRH_IN(j,n) flux contribution to bin(n) from latitudes north of j, due to surface cooling (m^3/s) TRH_IS(j,n) flux contribution to bin(n) from latitudes south of j, due to surface cooling (m^3/s) TRE_IN(j,n) flux contribution to bin(n) from latitudes north of j, due to surface evaporation (m^3/s) TRE_IS(j,n) flux contribution to bin(n) from latitudes south of j, due to surface evaporation (m^3/s) ---------------------------------- 1D VARIABLES, in y ---------------------------------- Q_HA/HD/SP zonal and vertical integral of TEMP_HA/HD/SP (Km^3/s) EP_HA/HD/SP/RI zonal and vertical integral of SALT_HA/HD/SP/RI (PSU*m^3/s) HFLX_Y zonal integral of HFLX_MEAN (W/m) SFLX_Y zonal integral of SFLX_MEAN (m^2/s)